Plan miasta Bitovo

Bitovo - Najnowsze wiadomości:

A Personal Remembrance of Vasily Aksyonov - The Moscow Times

Instead of a curriculum consisting of a colorful but fading rainbow of writers spanning from Pasternak to Solzhenitsyn, we were reading and hearing inside stories about Andrei Bitov, Yury Trifonov, Fazil Iskander, both Viktor Yerofeyevs ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Vista - je 64 bitů opravdu k něčemu? | - Windows XP ...

Pokud totiž spustíte 32-bitový program na 64-bitové Vistě, musí se načíst podstatná část 32-bitové Visty se všemi knihovnami a součástmi. Výhoda 64-bitové Visty je v tom, že používá daleko bohatší instrukční sadu než 32-bitová, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Monday in Night in DUMBO: quot;The Candidatequot; at the new Galapagos Art b.../b

Mikey and I had lunch in the coffee shop, then I went with Leon and Skip down Collins Ave. to the candidates' HQ at the various bhotels/b. We collected lots of buttons and posters from the campaigns of Muskie, Humphrey, and Chisholm, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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